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This blog is about my personal, corrupted AU of Scourge the Hedgehog
Please note: This AU (Alternate Universe) has nothing to do with the usual Sonic Universe and its content could be sensitive for some viewers. I've been working on this project with my close friend SALTY-KIWI for some time now and it's just seen as a hobby.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Scourge #01 (WIP)

Basic Information
  • Name: Maurice Carter
  • Nickname: Scourge
  • Species: Long-eared hedgehog
  • Age: 28
  • Sexuality: Closet bisexual 
  • Alignment: Lawful Evil
  • Nationality: 
  • Occupation: Drug dealer for an international cartel
    • Helping out in a bar (After jail release)
    • Stripclub bouncer (After the bar)
    • Adrian's bodyguard (After the final breakup between him and Sylithia)
  • Residence: Los Angeles, California 
Physical description
  • Height: 5'10 ft / 179 cm
  • Build: Athletic and muscular, thanks to his active lifestyle and occasional in cage fights. 
  • Distinctive features:
  • Vehicle: Tuned BMW M3 E30
Family Background
  • Mother: Bernadette Carter
    • Moved with her parents to California at a young age, seeking a better life. She fell victim to Jules' manipulative and abusive behavior.
  • Father: Jules Carter
    •  A police commissioner, involved in corruption and substance abuse. He ruled the household with an iron fist, instilling fear and control over Scourge and his mother.
  • Maternal grandparents: 
    • Both fell victim to a car accident orchestrated by Jules.
Early Life
  • Birth: Born on April 15th 1975 in Los Angeles, California.
  • Childhood: Grew up in a turbulent household due to his father's controlling and abusive nature. His mother was manipulated into isolation and dependency.
  • Tragic events: Maternal grandparents died in a car accident, orchestrated by Jules, leaving his mother completely dependent on him.
    • x
  • Pregnancy: Jules wanted a son to mold according to his own ideas, leading to Scourge's birth under stressful conditions.

Positive traits:
  • Resilient: Scourge has endured an incredibly challenging past, including substance abuse, involvement in gang activities, time spent in jail, and an abusive father. His ability to survive and continue moving forward despite these hardships showcases his immense inner strength and determination.
  • Intelligent: Scourge possesses a sharp and strategic mind, which enabled him to rise to the position of lieutenant in his gang. This role required him to think strategically, plan operations, and make quick, calculated decisions, demonstrating a high level of intelligence and leadership.
  • Loyal (to his gang): Scourge shows deep commitment and loyalty to his gang, driven by a strong aversion to being seen as a snitch and a desire to avoid further trouble in jail. Even when his gang turned against him and attempted to eliminate him in a drive-by shooting, he remained steadfast. His loyalty underscores his dedication and his understanding of the harsh realities and codes of conduct within the gang lifestyle.
  • Courageous: Scourge exhibits great bravery, often facing dangerous and life-threatening situations head-on without hesitation. His courage allows him to confront his fears and challenges with a fearless attitude.
  • Protective: Although Scourge can be possessive, he also has a strong instinct to protect those he cares about. This protective nature means he is willing to go to great lengths to ensure the safety and well-being of his loved ones.
  • Compassionate: Scourge demonstrated compassion towards a 14-year-old boy who was drawn into dealing drugs to support his struggling mother. He intervened when the boy was threatened and beaten by other thugs, driving them away and ensuring the boy's safety. Scourge listened to the boy's story and saw parallels with his own past, which motivated him to not only discourage the boy from drug dealing but also to provide the money needed for rent, showing empathy and a desire to help others in need.
  • Remorseful: After engaging in abusive behavior, Scourge feels deep regret and guilt. This remorse indicates that he has a conscience and is aware of the pain he causes others, highlighting his inner conflict and desire to be better.

Negative traits: 
  • Short-tempered and aggressive:
  • Cunning and assertive:
  • Vengeful and Cruel: Scourge's vengeful nature fuels his desire for retribution against those who wrong him. He harbors grudges and seek revenge with a ruthless and merciless demeanor, taking pleasure in inflicting pain and suffering on his enemies as a form of punishment.
  • Jealous and Possessive: Scourge's jealousy and possessiveness stem from a deep-seated insecurity and fear of losing control. He may become possessive of those he cares about, particularly Sylithia, viewing them as extensions of himself and reacting with jealousy to any perceived threats to his authority.
  • Reckless and Arrogant: Scourge's recklessness and arrogance make him prone to impulsive and reckless behavior, often acting without considering the consequences of his actions. His arrogance may stem from a sense of superiority and entitlement, leading him to underestimate his opponents and overestimates his own abilities.
  • Drama Queen: He thrives on attention and drama, seeking to create spectacle and chaos wherever he goes to feed his ego.
  • Narcissistic: Scourge's narcissism manifests in his preoccupation with his own image and self-importance. He views himself as superior to others, seeking admiration and validation while dismissing or belittling anyone who challenges his sense of self-worth.
  • Stubborn: Scourge's stubbornness makes him resistant to change and unwilling to compromise on his beliefs or desires. He refuses to back down, even in the face of overwhelming evidence or opposition. 
  • Traits:
    • Scourge exudes an air of aggression and assertiveness, traits cultivated by years of survival in a hostile environment. Beneath his hardened exterior lies a man fiercely loyal to those he trusts, willing to go to great lengths to protect his own.
  • Behavior: Known for his propensity for violence and intimidation, Scourge commands respect within his gang and criminal circles. His strategic acumen and unwavering determination make him a formidable adversary to those who dare to cross him.
  • Basketball: Since childhood, Scourge loved playing basketball with his school friends. He continued to play even in jail to distract himself, later playing with gang members from the international cartel.
  • Driving: Loves driving around aimlessly to show off his tuned BMW.
  • Playing E-Guitar: Received a guitar from his mother at age 6, later playing electric guitar in their garage. He enjoys expressing himself through his music.
  • Playing Cards: Whether it's a friendly game of poker or a high-stakes gamble, Scourge enjoys the thrill of the cards and the challenge of outsmarting his opponents.
  • Playing Video Games: In his downtime, Scourge escapes into the virtual world, where he can temporarily forget the harsh realities of his life. He owns a collection of consoles including PS1, PS2, XBOX, Super Nintendo, Game Boy, and Sega Genesis. His favorite genres are fighting games, racing games, jump 'n' run, shoot 'em ups and open world games.
  • Weed Smoke Sessions: Enjoys weed smoking sessions with his gang members to relax and listen to hip-hop music. They often have philosophical conversations during these times.
  • Picking Up Fights: Since jail time traumatized him, he became extremely aggressive after his release and often pickes fights to blow off steam. Joining cage fights helped him improve his fighting skills. After some victories, he enjoyed making his opponents suffer and adopted the name "Scourge," which others began using as his nickname.
Criminal Activities
  • Drug Dealing: Scourge plays a pivotal role in the international cartel, overseeing drug distribution and expanding their market reach.
  • Gang Rivalries: Through a combination of intimidation and strategic alliances, Scourge manages and prevents conflicts with rival gangs, ensuring the continued dominance of his own.
Key Relationships
  • Jaydon: A former mentor turned rival, Jaydon's betrayal serves as a constant reminder of the dangers of trust within the criminal underworld.
  • Nicki: A girl who sought to buy weed from Jaydon and was consistently irritated by his flirt attempts. She found Scourge's protective nature charming, leading to his attempt to help her, which indirectly led to his arrest due Jaydon's betrayal. 
  • Fiona: A member of the gang that organized the cage fights. Fiona was Scourge's first girlfriend. She recognized his inner brokenness, much like her own, but after he cheated on her with Sylithia, she developed a deep resentment towards him.
  • Sylithia: Scourge's girlfriend, whose hopes for a stable family life are dashed by his involvement in criminal activities.
  • Roxanne: Sylithia's childhood friend, their bond stretches back years. She's outgoing, bold, and enjoys the party scene, the opposite of Sylithia's reserved nature. Despite their differences, Roxanne considers Sylithia a little sister and remains a loyal and supportive friend.
  • Harley & Diesel: Scourge's and Sylithia's kids, whose presence in his life serves as both a source of motivation and a reminder of his failures as a father.
  • 》When Diesel and Harley were born he appeared all excited and emotional, giving Sylithia hope that he would be a responsible and caring father. But it became painfully clear that his initial enthusiasm was short-lived, and his role as a father was often forgotten.
  • Jill: His affair, who fathered a daughter, Kira, but struggles with her manipulative demands for money and child support.
  • 》Scourge had an affair with Jill while still with Sylithia, risking everything despite their unstable relationship. Frequent fights and his aggressive outbursts had already weakened their bond. When he met her, the temptation was too strong. Jill knew how to push his buttons and seduce him, appealing to his weakness for bad girls. She became also pregnant and gave birth to a girl, which she named Kira. However, Jill, who preferred a carefree lifestyle, wasn't really interested in taking care of their child. Instead, she saw an opportunity to manipulate Scourge for money and child support. She restricted his access to Kira unless he complied with her demands. This put Scourge in a difficult position, as he wanted to be involved in his daughter's life.
  • Adrian: A powerful elitist, involved in shady businesses. He is the man who stole Sylithia's heart and forced Scourge to be his bodyguard and , ensuring that he sees Sylithia everyday, adding to his suffering for his own amusement.
  • Levi: Sylithia's adoptive father and personal lawyer of Adrian. He harbors deep resentment towards Scourge for the pain and suffering he caused Sylithia.
  • Jeffrey: A menacing inmate who established dominance over Scourge during his time in prison.  

  • Anthony "Patch": Former arms dealer and ex gang member of the international cartel that Scourge works for. He became Adrian's personal hitman and . 
  • Ramon:
  • Tyson:
  • Beau: He and Scourge got into an open relationship and helped him come to terms with his bisexuality, eventually accepting his true self. 
Significant events
  • Jaydon's runner: As a teenager Scourge was forced to be a runner for Jaydon. Scourge's days were filled with dangerous tasks, such as delivering and selling drugs and participating in petty thefts. Despite his young age, he quickly learned the art of survival in the streets.
  • In the end Jaydon betrayed Scourge and framed him for a crime he did not commit, leading to his arrest when he was just 18 years old.
  • The unforgiving streets:
  • Behind bars: At 18, Scourge faced betrayal from Jaydon, leading to his arrest for a 5-year sentence on drug charges. He sneakily placed drugs in Scourge's backpack during an attempt to meet Nikki, a girl who Jaydon was attracted to and also being his customer. Though, she only sought to buy marijuana from Jaydon and was consistently irritated and uncomfortable by his flirt attempts. As Scourge grew older, he gained confidence to protect her and even stood up to Jaydon, a change that unsettled him. Witnessing Scourge's diminished fear, Jaydon, feeling threatened, wanted to get rid of him, perceiving him as a threat to both himself and his drug business. Despite the tension, Nikki found Scourge's protective nature charming and considered him cute. Jaydon, cunningly scheming, seized the opportunity when Scourge arranged to meet her. Covertly, Jaydon placed a substantial amount of crack in Scourge's backpack, orchestrating a police intervention. Unaware of the scheme, Nikki remained clueless. When Scourge fell into the trap, the police apprehended him. Nicki, although arrested, received a much lighter sentence and was eventually released with a fine. In the chaos, Scourge freaked out, yelling insults as the police cuffed him. Eventually he explained to the police that it was a setup, with Jaydon being the mastermind, yet Jaydon had taken precautions to protect himself. Additionally, Scourge's prior encounters with the law, including incidents such as discovering small amounts of weed in his possessions, petty thefts from local establishments, engaging in physical alterations and wielding a firearm, threatening his encounters and disrespect towards officers, had already brought him to the attention. These incidents also led to spending several weeks to months in a juveline detention. This made it more challenging for the authorities to trust him. His sentence felt like a devastating blow, difficult to comprehend and profoundly traumatic. Filled with fear, his entry into prison marked the start of a daunting reality where he earned the unwelcome title of "fresh meat" among fellow inmates.
  • Within the prison walls, Scourge encountered Jeffrey, who quickly established dominance over him and forced him to become his jail wife. He wielded his authority, using fear and intimidation as tools to maintain his submission. This included physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, leaving Scourge trapped in a cycle of trauma and powerlessness. Scourge was also expected to fulfill various tasks and duties for him, essentially becoming his personal servant. In addition to the psychological and physical abuse, he imposed a permanent mark of ownership on Scourge. As a symbol of his subservience and belonging to Jeffrey, Scourge was coerced into getting a tear drop tattoo under his right eye. This tattoo served as a constant reminder of his entrapment and the power dynamics at play. It not only served as a visible sign of his subjugation but also acted as a warning to others within the prison. Scourge's identity was forever altered, as he was marked as a possession of Jeffrey, making it even more challenging to escape this the cycle of abuse and control.
  • Close call of death:
  • Cage fighter:
  • Joining the cartel:
  • Scars of the vixen:
  • Tables have turned:
  • The grey beauty: Scourge first met Sylithia while she was working as a waitress in a diner. Despite being in a relationship with Fiona at the time, he was immediately drawn to Sylithia.  Scourge, who often visited the diner even before Sylithia started working there, found himself immediately captivated by her when he saw her for the first time one random day. His persistence in pursueing her, despite her initial discomfort and attempts to ignore him, eventually wore her down. This diner became a significant backdrop to their early interactions, with Scourge's frequent visits becoming a routine. Despite her coworkers' warnings about Scourge and their bad feelings about him, Sylithia chose to ignore them. She detested their interference in her personal affairs, believing she could look after herself. Scourge not only noticed her captivating appearance but also observed her reserved, shy, and insecure nature. He quickly recognized these traits as potential tools for his own benefit, realizing he could use them to manipulate and control her. As their relationship progressed, the initial excitement quickly faded, revealing Scourge's true nature. He began to control Sylithia's life, unleashing aggressive outbursts, hurling insults, and displaying jealous and self-centered behavior. His drug abuse only made things worse. Even when Sylithia gave birth to their children, Diesel and Harley, Scourge refused to take any responsibility. Instead, he would go out at night, visit clubs and bars, cheat on her, and come home drunk. Sylithia's life transformed into a living nightmare, yet she remained trapped, clinging to the hope that things would improve, perpetuating an illusion.
  • Birth of Harley & Diesel:
  • The last affair:
  • A helping hand:
  • Fallen Pride:
  • Drive-by Shooting:
  • Final break-up:
  • The second arrest:
  • Adrian's generous offer:
  • Unraveling desires:
  • The eternal slumber:

  • May 5th, 1998 (Age 23) - Jail Release

  • May 6th, 1998 - Helping Out at a Bar: Released from jail, Scourge found employment at a run-down bar, thanks to the sympathy of the bar owner's wife who felt compassion for his situation and gave him a chance to reintegrate into society.

  • July 11th, 1998 - Offer to Join Cage Fights: While working at the bar, Scourge received an offer to join underground cage fights, providing an outlet for his aggression and a way to earn extra money.

  • June 3rd, 1999 (Age 24) - Joined Gang: Impressed by his fighting skills, the gang recruited him, recognizing his potential and toughness.

  • November 19th, 2000 (Age 25) - Gang Rank Lieutenant: Scourge's dedication and prowess quickly earned him the rank of lieutenant within the gang.

Personal Life and Struggles
  • April 23rd, 2001 (Age 26) - Met Sylithia (19 at the Time): Scourge met Sylithia, marking the beginning of a significant yet turbulent relationship.
  • June 2nd, 2001 - First Physical Abuse: His inner demons surfaced, leading to the first instance of physical abuse towards Sylithia.
  • June 10th, 2001 - Sylithia Got Pregnant: Despite their issues, Sylithia's pregnancy added a new dimension to their relationship.
  • February 17th, 2002 - Birth of Diesel: The birth of their son, Diesel, brought a fleeting moment of joy amidst ongoing turmoil.
  • October 27th, 2002 (Age 27) - Sylithia Got Pregnant Again: Sylithia’s second pregnancy further complicated their strained relationship.
  • August 1st, 2003 (Age 28) - Birth of Harley: Their second child, Harley, was born, adding to Scourge’s responsibilities.
  • Legal Troubles and Imprisonment
  • December 3rd, 2003 - Drive-by Shooting: A drive-by shooting escalated the violence surrounding Scourge's life and gang activities.
  • December 4th, 2003 - Taken Down by Police at the Motel: The day after the shooting, police apprehended Scourge at a motel, leading to his arrest.
  • December 7th, 2003 - Court and County Jail: Scourge faced trial and was sent to county jail, awaiting further proceedings.
  • March 16th, 2004 - Early Final Process (Due to Levi's Influence) and Sentence (60 Years in Prison): Levi’s influence expedited the judicial process, resulting in a harsh 60-year prison sentence.
  • April 15th, 2004 (Age 29) - Sylithia Visits Scourge at Prison on His Birthday: Sylithia visited him in prison on his birthday, highlighting their complicated relationship.
Unexptected Turn

    June 9th, 2004 - Sudden Jail Release and Becomes Adrian's Bodyguard: While Scourge was in prison, Sylithia began a relationship with Adrian, a powerful elitist. Desperate to keep the father of her children, Harley and Diesel, from spending the rest of his life in jail, Sylithia pleaded with Adrian to use his influence and corrupt connections to secure Scourge's release. Adrian agreed, resulting in Scourge's sudden release and his new role as Adrian's bodyguard.

Scourge speaks in street slang, which sometimes creates misunderstandings, especially in formal situations like with Adrian, who speaks in a polished, formal manner. This clash highlights Scourge's background and occasional difficulty navigating different social settings. Raised in a turbulent home with his father, he became a troublemaker in his youth, often skipping school to hang out with friends. Leaving after 8th grade, Scourge's lack of formal education resulted in struggles with writing and grammar, underscoring his rough-edged upbringing and disinterest in conventional schooling.
Intellectual interests:

  • Cigarettes:
  • Weed: After finishing his duties as a drug dealer, Scourge indulges in smoking weed, typically in the evening or at night. He relies on marijuana to counteract the effects of his cocaine use, using it as a means to unwind and calm down. Often, he spends his evenings reclining on his couch, immersing himself in music, playing video games, or succumbing to the allure of snacks when the munchies kick in. This ritual provides him with a much-needed escape from the stress and intensity of his daily life, allowing him to momentarily forget his troubles and simply enjoy the moment. During periods when his workload as a drug dealer is light, Scourge also indulges in daytime smoking sessions. He enjoys these moments of tranquility, whether shared with his gang members or savored alone in his yard under the warm, sunny weather. He began smoking weed at the age of 12 with his school friends, who introduced him to Jaydon for the first time.
  • Cocaine: Scourge heavily relies on cocaine to maintain functionality throughout the day, particularly as a drug dealer. This substance abuse enables him to stay alert, focused, and energized, allowing him to navigate the dangers of his criminal lifestyle with a heightened sense of awareness and efficiency. However, the excessive cocaine consumption also exacerbates Scourge's irritability and makes him prone to annoyance. Despite its functional benefits, the drug often amplifies his short temper and impatience, leading to frequent outbursts of frustration and anger in his interactions with others. Scourge's downfall in his gang is also stemmed from cocaine abuse and unchecked pride. His addiction impaired his judgment during a crucial mission, leading to significant losses. As his reliability waned, the gang viewed him as a liability and chose to cut ties.
  • Alcohol: From his teenage years onward, Scourge has been using alcohol to cope with his pain. He often resorted to sneaking and stealing his father's alcohol behind his back. It's possible that his father's own struggles with alcoholism, which Scourge had to witness firsthand, influenced his own behavior over time. As time passed, his depression has grown worse due to the difficult experiences he has faced. His ill-fated relationship with Sylithia proved to be a catalyst for his downward spiral, as his drug abuse and violent behavior have caused him to ruin everything they had built together. After each physical fight with her, Scourge felt immense remorse, but he feels helpless and desperate to control his aggressive outbursts. The thought of confiding in someone or seeking professional help seemed unfathomable to him, trapping him in an endless cycle of self-destruction. Occasionally, he drinks to the point of unconsciousness, disregarding the serious consequences to his health. Note: Scourge mostly drinks whiskey, Jack Daniel's would be his favorite.
  • Sleeping pills: After his sudden release from prison, Scourge found himself in a new role as Adrian's bodyguard. While the position came with certain privileges and a semblance of freedom, it also plunged him into a darker world than he had ever known. Adrian's empire extended beyond legitimate businesses and into the shadowy realm of illegal activities, including sex trafficking. Despite his hardened exterior and violent past, Scourge was deeply disturbed by this aspect of Adrian's operations. leading to relentless nightmares that robbed him of sleep. Desperate for rest, he turned to sleeping pills. Initially, they offered temporary relief, but as the nightmares persisted, his dependence on them grew. Higher doses became necessary to stave off the tormenting dreams, blurring the line between use and addiction.
Health and Well-being:
  • The harsh conditions he faced during his time being with Jaydon and behind bars left a lasting impact, prompting him to prioritize his personal hygiene to an extraordinary degree.
  • STD: After Jill ended their relationship, Scourge found himself in a state of profound desperation and frustration. With Sylithia also leaving him for good, he yearned to win her back desperately. In his turmoil, his casual hookups escalated, leading to the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia due his carelessness of having unprotected sex. Fortunately, timely diagnosis and treatment spared him from severe consequences. It was a harsh lesson, one that seemed almost karmic in nature, a reckoning for his past infidelities.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Dealer's call


Scourge calling his runner Jaydon, to meet in the alley and hand over the money.